You and I Are Mostly Water, And The Water We Drink Determines Our Wellness.
According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%.
Water serves a number of essential functions to keep us all going
- A vital nutrient to the life of every cell acts first as a building material.
- It regulates our internal body temperature by sweating and respiration
- The carbohydrates and proteins that our bodies use as food are metabolized and transported by water in the bloodstream;
- It assists in flushing waste mainly through urination
- acts as a shock absorber for the brain, spinal cord, and fetus
- forms saliva
- lubricates joints
Many Issues Like Brain Fog, Frequent Urination, Joint Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Confusion, Proper Liver Function, Heart Health, Constipation, and the list goes on, are highly impacted by the water you consume….So What Are You Drinking?
Bottom Line Is That Most Water We Drink Today Is Void Of The Essential Energy And Structure Needed By Our Bodies.
And Coffee, Tea, Soda, And Energy Drinks Compound The Negative Affects.
Water Softeners May Soften Your Water, But At What Cost To Your Health? Adding Salt To The Water You Drink and Bath In? Does That Make Any Sense If You Are Trying To Control Your Blood Pressure Or Reduce Inflammation In Your Joints?
Of Course, It Doesn’t!
You Want 64 Ounces Per Day Of Frequency Structured Water That Will Rapidly Be Absorbed Into Your Cells, Flush TheToxins, Eliminate Sodium, Reduce Inflammation, Improve Your Brain Function Including Memory, And Did I Mention Your Eyes? Yes, Even Your Eyes Benefit From Proper Hydration With Frequency Structured Water.
So What is Frequency Structured Water?
The Best Example I Can Give You Is Something We are All Familiar With, Am and FM Radio. Both AM and FM Radio Will Deliver Music, Talk, and Entertainment, Even Though They Operate At Different Frequencies. But IF You Are In A Steel Building, Or In Your Basement, What Happens To Your Favorite AM Radio Station? Static, Signal Loss, Lack Of Delivery.
But The FM Signal Is Not Affected By The Building, Why? Because The FM Radio Signal Is Operating At A Different Frequency.
The Quadrant 5, Water For Life; Does The Exact Same Thing To Your Household Water System…. Changes The Frequency For Optimum Absorption And Better Health.
Installs In 5 Minutes, NEVER NEEDS MAINTENANCE OR CHEMICALS, And The Results Are Immediate And Continually Improve Over Time.
Our Recommended Household Unit
GNS – General Non-Specific
- Human And Pets
- General Application
- Single Harmonic Frequency
- Household Use
We Have Several Models For Agricultural / Commercial / Industrial Applications.
Pipe Size Determines The Model, and The Application Will Determine The Frequencies That Will Be Custom Programmed.
Here Are Some Examples:
AG1 – Agriculture/Commercial
- Small pipe Applications – up to and including 3-inch pipes
- Beef or Irrigation
- Produce Plant Growth & Crop Maturity
- Growth phase of life and maturing phase
- Boiler and Pipe Descaling
- General
AG1 – PLUS Agriculture/Commercial
- Small pipe Applications – up to and including 3-inch pipes
- 2 harmonic sets of frequency available for 2 different specific applications
- Choices for frequency settings
- Beef & Irrigation
- Produce Plant Growth & Crop Maturity
- Growth phase of life and maturing phase
- General
AG4 – Agriculture/Commercial
- Pipes of 4 inch to 6 inches
- Single application settings available only
- Customizable Frequency For Unique Applications
- Brewing Industry
- Municipal Water Supply
AG8 – Agriculture/Commercial
- Pipes of 8-inch, 10 inch, & 12 inch diameter
- Single frequency-specific application
- Irrigation
- Digesters
- Large Application Water Supply
Customizable Frequency For Unique Applications Available
The Next Generation of Water Treatment, and Why It Works!
Using Harmonized Frequencies to alter the structure of water, we can properly align the water and its properties for every living thing on our planet.
The information you are about to receive is more powerful and life-affecting than you could ever imagine.
I can guarantee that you have heard about and maybe even experienced the power of frequency modification in water for years and didn’t even know it.
For example, Grandma shares that when she talks nice to her plants, they thrive.
Are Grandma’s plants and flowers listening to her kind words and reacting? The answer is NO. But her kind words are affecting the water contained in the plant, changing the water structure, and creating a life-sustaining environment for the plant.
There have been hundreds of studies done on the benefits of talking kindly to your plants with words of love, kindness, and appreciation. They also tested negative words and phrases, and guess what was found 100% of the time? The plants withered as if they were in a drought environment.
This link will take you to one such recent study;
Let’s go a bit deeper, we know that all living things have a vibration or frequency. We also know that you and I are made up of mostly water, the earth is mostly water, and the number one life-sustaining thing in our Universe is? You guessed it…WATER!
When water is consumed or absorbed by a living organism, if that water is out of frequency with that organism, the water will create stress in that organism, slowing its growth, and preventing full potential.
Here is some of that powerful stuff I promised you.
The NUMBER ONE cause for disease in you and me is STRESS!
We go out of our way to avoid people who stress us out, situations that we know will create stress, and of course worry, we know that causes stress, and we know we should avoid it. But what about the water we are consuming? If the frequency of the water is out of alignment with our own, we are unintentionally adding to our stress, limiting our potential.
And the same goes for Cattle, Chickens, Fish, Hogs, Sheep, Potatoes, Soybeans, Christmas Trees, and the list goes on and on and on.
Every Living Species has its own unique frequency, and when the water frequency matches, you have an environment for THRIVING, LIFE-GIVING, GROWTH, and HEALTH.
Here is some additional 3rd party information;
Masaru Emoto (1943 – 2014) was a Japanese researcher who has dedicated his life to the “language” of the water.
What he discovered is something very important: the water has a memory and is able to store information.
The most engaging aspect of the discovery is that water reacts differently according to the information it receives, showing, through its crystals, forms that can be more or less harmonious.
So, if the water is influenced by positive information (for example, “THANK YOU”) it will show its crystals in homogeneous and harmonious forms; on the contrary, the water influenced by negative information (for example, “I HATE YOU”) will show crystals with uneven and amorphous forms.
Quadrant 5 Frequency Harmonizing Water Systems come in infinite sizes and frequencies to align with every application on our planet. Every Unit from our Household GNS to our Commercial AG-8 have a computer inside, programmed to your specific application, we also have the ability to put 2 sets of frequencies in one unit, allowing you to toggle for example, between Irrigation and Cattle.
Also inside the units, you will find the copper coil which transmits the Harmonized Frequencies.
The Frequencies are not only designed to match the frequency of the application, but we can also completely change the water structure.
We are not taking anything away, but rather, we are repositioning the water makeup. For example, water rich in minerals, with a large Iron content would be considered hard water, because the Iron is naturally on the outer edge of the water structure.
But with Frequency restructuring, we can surround the Iron with other minerals present like Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium. This eliminates Iron effects like taste, Iron build-up, and increased soap usage.
The Iron is still present, but through frequency, we have isolated it and made the other highly beneficial minerals more bioavailable.
Researcher Masaru Emoto discovered water has memory, and for that reason, I highly encourage you to stop drinking Reverse Osmosis water, commonly referred to as R/O Water.
R/O Water has had ALL the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) removed, but because of the water’s memory, when you drink the R/O Water, it will rob from you all the minerals that were stripped from it during the R/O filtering process.
It will rob your calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and yes, even the iron.
Have you ever drunk water and felt more tired after drinking it than before?
Between the frequency being off and Minerals being taken from your cardiovascular system and your muscle/skeletal system, long term consumption of R/O water can have many negative health consequences.
Another benefit of Quadrant 5 Frequency Harmonizers is what I call the wave effect, just like the waves pounding a shoreline with the water and causing erosion, with our Frequency Harmonizer, years of mineral build up in pipes is gently broken up, restoring full water flow.
The best illustration of the waving action water has when frequencies are introduced can be viewed in this short 2 min video
In conclusion, Quadrant 5 Water Frequency Harmonizers are simple to install, they mount externally in less than 5 minutes.
Have NO maintenance cost or labor once installed.
Quadrant 5 Water Frequency Harmonizers are removable and transferrable to a new location if you move.
They ARE NOT a one size fits all solutions; each unit is programmed for the specific application and benefit.
Whether your situation is seeking agricultural benefits, solving hard water issues at home, boiler descaling, aquaponics or hydroponics, we know we can help, and you will experience the benefits.
What’s The Big Deal About Water?
Two-Thirds Of The Planet and 70% Of Our Bodies Are Made Up Of Water…So What?
Have You Ever Noticed How Excited The Scientists Become When They Think They Found Ice/Water/or Even Clouds Around Other Planets Or The Moon? That’s Because Water Means LIFE!
Here is another important fact, EVERYTHING that is living in our world is vibrating at a frequency, including plants, animals, and yes, us.
And each plant and each species have a unique frequency.
Scientists have studied humans and water for thousands of years, and one well-documented study found the link between living by a river, lake, or ocean, and experiencing a sense of peace, feeling of calm, increased energy, and overall wellness.
So why does this occur? Is it the sight of water, or the sound of water?
No, it’s actually the FREQUENCY of the water. In nature, when water that has not been altered by chemical runoff, manufacturing, or dumping, it will near-perfectly match our frequency, resulting in numerous benefits.
Imagine the health of Livestock, Crops and yes, even You and I live in a situation where the water has been altered, treated, or filtered. The Frequency no longer matches and instead of the water energizing, it actually steals from whatever it is being applied to. Have you ever drunk a bottle of filtered store-bought water and immediately felt tired? That is water at the wrong frequency, stealing from you, essential minerals, and frequency.
The Great News Is Water Will Mirror its Influencers, So If We Introduce Into The Water The Original Life Energizing Frequencies That Were In Place 4000 Years Ago, You Guessed It, We Can Positively Impact Crops/Livestock and Us!
Developed and Perfected Right Here In The USA, Quadrant 5, Inc Has Frequency Harmonizers That Are Programmed To The Specific Application being addressed And Mounted Externally On The Water Supply Line. Immediately Correcting the Frequency Of The Water.
Matching The Frequency Will Increase Absorption, Flush Impurities; Improve Energy And Over-All Health.
We Have Experienced Positive Results With Cattle, Chickens, Hogs, Various Crops, Fish Farms, And Households.
You Have To Experience It For Yourself. Every Day I Am Seeing New Benefits To Having The Quadrant 5, GSN Frequency Modifier On My Home.
So, What Are You Waiting For?
Get Your Questions Answered Now!
Contact Quadrant 5, Inc., Today Or Call Your Local Q5 Dealer.
John Harrod, Vice-President @ 847-815-8953 (Call or Text)
Jeff Rueden, President @ 920-378-3161 (Call or Text)
Corporate Office @ 888-235-7792 (Voice Call Only)